Housing, urban commons and the right to the city in post-crisis Rome: Metropoliz, the squatted Città Meticcia

di Margherita Grazioli
Palgrave, 2021
This book tells the story of Metropoliz, a vacant salami factory located in the Eastern periphery of Rome that was squatted in 2009 by homeless households, and progressively reconverted into the house and museum spaces that form the Città Meticcia. Through a vivid activist-ethnographic account, Margherita Grazioli suggests that Metropoliz exemplifies a practice of grassroots urban regeneration that speaks to the conflicted reconfiguration of real estate urban regimes in a post-crisis, post-neoliberal scenario. Metropoliz represents an alternative model of urbanity and habitation that will inspire contemporary urban social movements concerned with the demand of the ‘right to the city’ and the ontology of the urban commons (scheda editoriale).